We support our sisters and brothers in Turkey who are courageously advocating for democratic, progressive and humanitarian change for our world <3
-- P.D. Spyropoulos, June 3, 2013
The American Hellenic Media Project is a grass-roots, non-profit
think tank whose purposes are:
to confront discrimination and bias in the media;
to encourage independent, ethical and responsible journalism;
to confront misograecism in the media, and to address the negative posture of our nation's press and media towards issues of concern to the Hellenic, Armenian and Orthodox Christian communities;
to address false historical revisionism and genocide denial in the media and the academic community regarding Armenian, Hellenic, Eastern Christian, Balkan and other histories;
to harness the Internet and other new communications technologies for the purpose of encouraging a freer flow of information and fostering greater civic participation in the formation and discourse of news and ideas;
to inform the media establishment, the entertainment industry and the academic community about issues of concern to Hellenic and other Americans, and to engage these institutions in an open dialogue concerning these issues; and
to advocate for an open, contemporary, and progressive press and media environment that encourages democratic and humanitarian values, international peace and stability, non-aggression, the protection of minority and individual human rights, the adherence to international law, the non-violent resolution of disputes, and the belief in the inalienable dignity of every individual regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion or beliefs.
What prominent scholars, journalists, authors and political analysts are saying about AHMP
Check out our published letters, opinion-editorials and commentaries
Greeks as "ethnic hysterics": racist stereotyping in the service of political agendas
Addressing the New York Times' reluctance to recognize the genocide of the Greek population of Turkey:
four articles from the New York Times contemporary to the Asia Minor Holocaust of 1922
Editorializing Intolerance - The New York Times' book review headline, "Loving The Unlovable Greeks", and image of Greeks fighting
The American Hellenic Media Project and its volunteers wish to extend our sincerest condolences to those victimized by acts of terror as well as state-sponsored and other organized violence throughout the world.
A Crisis Unresolved: Changing Course in Our China Policy (Army Times, Marine Times, South Bend Tribune - published April / May 2001)
Vietnam, Cyprus and Wartime Atrocities - Senator Kerrey's search for atonement (New York Newsday, The Oklahoma Gazette, The Colorado Springs Independent, The Western Queens Gazette - published May 2001)
Media Alert: AHMP Calls For Andy Rooney's Dismissal For Racist Remarks Against Greeks and Immigrants (posted June 2001)
The Problem with Balkan Revisionism; Washington Post and Daily Telegraph advance revisionist views regarding ancient Macedonia and Albanian irredentism
(posted April 2001)
Understanding The Cyprus Tragedy - article exposes history, and delves into heart, of Cyprus problem
A glimpse into the modern machinery of genocide denial
Microsoft pressured by Turkish government to deny Armenian Genocide
Congress successfully pressured by Turkish government to deny Armenian Genocide
Phantom Terror: Is Greece Among The World's Top Terrorist States?
Website index
Add your e-mail address to our distribution list, should there be any future e-mailings, with the subject heading "Add e-mail to AHMP distribution list", to ahmp@ahmp.org.
Suggest us to a friend or colleague, or forward their name and e-mail address for inclusion in our distribution list.
It is important that each one of us take the initiative to let the media know that we are listening. Individual letters, letter-writing campaigns, telephone calls to editors, and other responses to inaccurate, biased or otherwise inappropriate media items are greatly encouraged.
You can e-mail the American Hellenic Media Project at:
Please note that AHMP is no longer active

The A.H.M.P. web-site was maintained through 2005 by HR-Net, a Hellenic Resources Institute project.